a person cleaning a sink with a wash cloth and a cleaning bottle.

Same Day House Cleaning Services in Seattle

500k Reviews

When you need your home cleaned ASAP, just search “house cleaning near me” on Taskrabbit.

There are more than 1,000 Taskers offering house cleaning services in Seattle.

Read real customer reviews before hiring your Tasker of choice.

Your satisfaction, guaranteed

Happiness Pledge

If you’re not satisfied, we’ll work to make it right.

Taskrabbit's happiness pledge logo highlight customer satisfaction guaranteed

Vetted Taskers

Taskers are always background checked before joining the platform.

Dedicated Support

Friendly service when you need us – every day of the week.

Frequently asked questions about House Cleaning in Seattle

On average, Seattle house cleaners charge around $46 per hour. Your deep-cleaning house cost may be more.

Image of lady booking a task on Taskrabbit
Image of lady booking a task on Taskrabbit

How it works


Choose a Tasker by price, skills, and reviews.


Schedule a Tasker as early as today.


Chat, pay, tip, and review all in one place.

House Cleaning Seattle

Save time

Seattle is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with so much to see and do. Whether you enjoy meeting friends at Alki Beach or prefer taking in a little culture at the Seattle Asian Art Museum, finding “house cleaning services near me” on Taskrabbit will give you more time to do what you enjoy.

Get a professionally cleaned home

You deserve to walk into a clean, beautiful home at the end of the day. House cleaning professionals know all the tips and tricks to make your home look its best. House cleaning Taskers make life a little easier. Just search “house cleaning near me” on the app.

Take advantage of same-day service

Whether you’re having unexpected guests or you’ve waited until the last minute to clean up for a holiday party, cleaning houses can sometimes turn into an emergency scenario. Don’t worry—many Taskers offer same-day cleaning services.

Experienced house cleaning services in your neighborhood

The house cleaners on Taskrabbit are genuine locals (some of them may even live in your neighborhood). All Taskers are background-checked and backed by our Happiness Pledge. You can rely on the experience of a Tasker for spring cleaning, move-in cleaning, and general home organization.

There’s a better way

Taskrabbit was designed to simplify the process of finding local workers. When you use the platform to search “house cleaning near me,” you can read customer reviews, compare rates and experience, book services, and more.

Products Used

Whether you need full house deep-cleaning service or a little sprucing up, your Tasker will bring all the necessary cleaning supplies and equipment for each job. Common items include: Sanitizers Window cleaner Dusting supplies Vacuum Brooms/mops Cleaning cloths Buckets If you have specific preferences for cleaning products, you can discuss them with your Tasker.

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